From Sea-Urchins to Barnacles! My love of natural and reclaimed materials is captured in this chair, leaning post beautifully.
The chair is made from sustainable ash and reclaimed industrial felt, designed by Ania Wagner who likes to ‘work with local materials the designed to create minimal material waste’.
The chair has two functions, the felt lined bucket style seat which can simply be flipped over to provide a great leaning space! Ideal for chilling out in a variety of ways. The beauty of the light ash with its ‘fringed’ style end adds a touch of visual impact in an understated way. The colour of the reclaimed felt is pleasantly neutral which makes a real change from bright vibrant colours or garish patterns.
There is no right or wrong way up for this piece of contemporary furniture, simply flip it or move it, sit back and relax. I can image this piece being a firm favourite with young people, from toddlers to teenagers. A real piece of ‘me’ furniture when you need to be left alone or a great communal sharing space. I also think young children would find a lot of other role play purposes for this chair, a great boat, or space ship!
Chill out and watch TV with a bucket of popcorn by your side, a book and a mug of cocoa the choices are endless! I think this chair would fit perfectly in a lounge or bedroom and makes a stylish change from the ‘classical’ beanbag for resting on, far more neat and tidy in my opinion!
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