Beat the wintry weather and stay cosy and warm by ensuring your windows are draught free. Double glazing has improved the number of heat lost via windows in recent years, however, studies show that many homes still loose a substantial amounts of heat through windows and doors.
Finding modern curtains in a heavy weight fabric can be time consuming and very frustrating! These contemporary designed, Elston curtains are the ideal solution.
The curtains are fully lined , with deep three inch headings they are perfect for using with a modern curtain pole made from either wood or metal. Coordinating tie-backs and cushion offer a stylish and elegant look to a room.
Traditional floral pattern with an up-to-date design looks great in both traditional and modern interiors. Shown here in a dining room style setting, these curtains would look equally at home in a lounge or trendy bedroom.
The subtle red and green contrasting colours provides the opportunity to use these curtains with many different colour schemes. I must admit to having a difficulty with rooms that have patterned walls and patterned curtains! The thought of having a completely coordinating room fills me with dread-I have recently seen on TV, a room where the wall paper, curtains and bedding were all exactly the same-eek!
The colours used in Elston curtains offers the opportunity to having a variety of different plain wall colours. By selecting one of the main colours as an accent, subtle injections of the same shade can be incorporated elegantly in the room.
Image source: Terrysfabrics
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