If you are one of the 2 million unemployed in the UK no doubt you have some careful consideration to starting your own business? Or you may have had the brilliant idea of working from home?
Without sounding pedantic there is more to working from home than many people imagine and it’s one of things you either grow to love or simply just can’t bear as it can be quite a lonely existence.
You have to be quite a disciplined type of person to successfully work at home, it’s very tempting not to get dressed until midday and stop just to put the washing on. Before you know where you are little actual work has been accomplished at it’s already late afternoon!
If are giving serious consideration to working from home it is essential that you find a suitable work space or office. It would be fool hardy, in my opinion, to think that you can squeeze yourself and your work station into the broom cupboard! People have tried and usually failed.
Ideally you should have your own office type space either in a room of its own or in a corner of a dinning area. If you have an actual office it can be decorated with homely touches which are not usually found in a business environment such as wallpaper which blends with the style of your home and yet still remain business like.
Creating an office can be achieved on a tight budget. There is no need to have expensive computer stations and swivel chairs. As long as the space has plenty of natural light, cheap vertical blinds so that you can angle the louvres them to prevent too much glare from the sun and help keep the room cool in the summer, add masses of storage space and you can create a work comfortable area that will certainly do to begin with!
Choose colours which will inspire you and brighten your mood without distracting you for the tasks at hand, namely work!
Image source: Bloomacious
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