If you love white and the very latest concepts in bathroom designs, usTogether bathroom suite will certainly tick all the right boxes!
The sleek and very chic basin and bath have very unusual clear sides which remind me somewhat of a fish tank! This bath is not for you if you share a bathroom as there is no modesty afforded here!
The suite maximises space in small bathrooms, a much needed asset in many modern homes where space is restricted, by incorporating the basin and bath into one slim-line unit which fits neatly along the length of one wall.
White provides a crisp, clean and very chic look in a bathroom. Combine this design with white décor and white blinds the room offers a sense of minimalist and almost sci-fi look.
The white contoured shelving is used to draw the eye along the line of the design. No clutter is definitely the order of the day in a bathroom such as this.
The use of white for the décor enables the natural light from the small window to be maximised fully. Using a slim-line white blind will enable the light to still enter the room and yet offer effective privacy to the outside world. By tilting the louvers of a Venetian blind upwards some interesting light effects can be achieved to add to the sci-fi feel of this bathroom.
usTogether are a team of British and Irish designers who focus primarily on bathroom designs. For further information visit usTogether
Image source: notempire
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