Decorating bedrooms for young children can be a time when you can bring back your own childhood memories for all the things you loved!
You should be careful that your choice is the same as your child’s otherwise you may love the room and they may well detest and seeing as it’s there space their ideas should take precedent!
Painting large murals on walls offers a truly wonderful appearance, but for those who are not artistic it may be wise to get friends who are excellent at drawing to sketch out the design and you to do the painting!
Alternatively you can still use a specific theme but rather than have an entire wall or walls painted generate the theme with the use of childrens curtains which have a zoo theme for example.
Borders are somewhat out dated, however for the relatively short time they will be in place-as your child matures a zoo style theme will need replacing with something far more suitable for a teenager- they are a cost effective method of decorating without having to painting murals!
Matching bedding and some great child orientated wall art are great ways to bring the theme together. Be inspired by nature and have a jungle style theme, a great way to introduce masses of wonderful new vocabulary and highlight endangered animals to young children.
This may sound a bit OTT, however, children will adore a room they can use as part of their role play, transforming their bed into a camp or den!
Image source: freshome
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